Soul Work is a playshop series created by Mara Evenstar to invite our Souls to come out and play and fully engage in the work of sacred psychology.
“A commitment to the transformational work of sacred psychology states formally and dramatically the evolutionary fact of your readiness and willingness to be born into an extended body, an amplified mind, a compassionate heart, a deepened and active soul, and a new life of high service to whomever and whatever comes your way.” –Dr. Jean Houston When we include the Soul in transformational work, this “work” becomes a Joy! Through this series, we will explore many ways to engage personal and spiritual development together using the language of the Soul. |
Digging For Treasure
Saturday, October 1, 1:00 - 5:00pm
Held at The Enlightened Soul Center 3820 Packard Road, suite #280, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Cost: $50 Special "do it again" discount: If you have taken this workshop with me before, your cost is $35. |
First in the Soul Work series is “Digging for Treasure.” Experience a unique approach for tapping into the depths of Self through creative expression. We’ll go on a creative journey that brings forth images and messages from the unconscious — resulting in two pieces of spiritually meaningful artistic expression. Past participants have raved about this experience, and it is my favorite one to teach!
Cancellation Policy: Cancel within 24 hours of event and receive full refund (minus PayPal fees). Cancel day of event, recceive 1/2 refund. If the workshop is canceled you will receive full refund.
Pay by Check
Make check payable to either Mara Evenstar or Arammai Services
Make sure check arrives by 9/29/16
Send to:
1616 Gregory St.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Make specific arrangements with Mara if you need to pay by check or cash the day of the workshop.
Make sure check arrives by 9/29/16
Send to:
1616 Gregory St.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Make specific arrangements with Mara if you need to pay by check or cash the day of the workshop.